My internet life seems to be a never ending path of redirects...
the optimist's corner
because negativity is the enemy
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
KONY 2012
I have recently been apart of a series of documentary screenings in Winnipeg for the film Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. The film is a in-depth look at the horrors of the sex trade and prostitution within our world. My heart was truly moved as I was exposed to something that I previously had no clue existed to the degree portrayed.
After watching the film, my first thought was: "what can I do to help stop this injustice?"
There is an obvious disconnect between the prosperity of the western world and the injustices that occur overseas. This is not to say that the western world is free from injustice, but rather it is better suited to deal with such issues. I believe that through the KONY 2012 campaign, Invisible Children has made it simple (and possible, for that matter) for those in the western world to contribute to a cause taking place far out of eyesight.
These are the reasons that I am choosing to support Invisible Children and the KONY 2012 campaign...
1. The Simplicity - As highlighted throughout the video, law/policy makers will listen to their constituents. The main focus of this movement is to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves and there is something plainly HUMAN in standing up for another person.
The campaign simply asks you to use your Facebook/Twitter/letter writing abilities mixed with a little bit of your time to contact those who hold power in our nation. To communicate a point; that there is injustice in our world and it must be stopped.
Everything has been set out before you, now it is time for you to mobilize.
2. The Hope - Do you understand that if Kony is captured our world will change? - change would in fact be inevitable. From the way we see social media to the way the policy makers react to the concerns of their constituents. I hold out for a hope that Kony will be arrested and brought to face the charges laid before him. And that perhaps this campaign can save the life of 1 child.
Concerning the matter of US intervention in a foreign nation...
The role of US soldiers currently in Uganda is the role of advisors. Yesterday, in a conversation with Chris Hopkins, a former US advisor in Iraq, I was told of the realities of the position of an advisor. I was told of first hand accounts of what it means to train local soldiers in ways they could not train themselves. During this conversation I came to realize that those advisors are not malicious men, but rather real human beings with the genuine intention of seeing change in the world.
It is also important to note that the US is not in Uganda for the purpose of occupation or government overthrow, rather to help locals rid their nation of a man who has been committing atrocities, unpunished, for over twenty years.
Those are my thoughts and opinions, feel free to agree or disagree. However! In whatever you do, do it to make this world a little bit of a better place.
Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Cost of Discipleship - Chapter 17

The Simplicity of the Carefree Life
This Chapter was incredible. I'm going to provide you with very little of my personal insight, I'll just let you dive into a few passages from the chapter.
We walk as pilgrims through the earth,
With empty hands, bereft and bare;
To gather wealth were little worth -
'Twould only burden life the more.
If men will go the way to death,
With them we will part company;
For God will give us all we need
To cover our necessity.
Something to chew on... Assuming Tersteegen has a valid point in his poem, how do we reconcile something like that with our western culture and how we live our lives?
Be not anxious! Earthly possessions dazzle our eyes and delude us into thinking that they can provide security and freedom from anxiety. Yet all the time they are the very source of all anxiety. If our hearths are set on them, our reward is an anxiety whose burden in intolerable. Anxiety creates its own treasures and they in turn beget further care. When we seek for security in possessions we are trying to drive out care with care, and the net result is the precise opposite of our anticipations. The fetters which bind us to our possessions prove to be cares themselves. [...] The only way to win assurance is by leaving tomorrow entirely in the hands of God and by receiving from him all we need for today.
The Cost of Discipleship
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Cost of Discipleship - Chapter 16

The Hiddenness of the Devout Life
[...] We want other people to see our achievements and to be put to shame. Our asceticism has now become the way to salvation. Such publicity gives it the reward it seeks.
Here Bonhoeffer is talking about living your life without seeking recognition for your actions. It is a hard concept to follow, if I do a good deed I naturally want everyone around me to recognize that fact and to celebrate my action. However, Christ has called us to make those good deeds a part of our everyday life, to the point where we are not looking for any sort of glory, but rather attribute all good to the power of Christ working through us.
I encourage you to continue your good deeds, however continue them without seeking recognition for your actions. Like all most related to following Jesus, easier said than done.
The Cost of Discipleship
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Cost of Discipleship - Chapter 15

The Hiddenness of Prayer
If God were ignorant of our needs, we should have to think out beforehand how we should tell him about them, what we should tell him, and whether we should tell him or not. Thus faith, which is the mainspring of Christian prayer, excludes all reflection and premeditation.
Have you ever hesitated in sharing something for the fear that someone's opinion of you will change based on what you share? How often does this happen? I would hazard to guess it happens more often than we would imagine, however, the point of Bonhoeffer in this excerpt is that this fear should never be felt when communicating with God. The reason being; God already knows what you are going to say.
Strange... Weird... Absurd even. Yet miraculously beautiful in the same sense.
The chapter continues and draws reference to how prayer is an integral part in the life of a follower of Christ. To shy away from communication with God and yet claim to be his follower would be akin to claiming to love your wife yet paying her no attention. It doesn't work.
The Cost of Discipleship
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Nefarious 1: Merchant of Souls

It's like your ordering a pizza.
Is there not something seriously wrong with this?
I believe that a perfect world is impossible, the evil present in our world is simply too vast to ever be completely suppressed. However, as followers of Christ we are obliged to shine His light wherever we go. To advocate for the justice of the widow, orphan and those who are generally oppressed. If we are truly followers of Christ allowing something such as sex trafficking to go unnoticed would be a shame and direct disobedience of Christ's teachings.
I'm going to do some digging and in a future post I'll give you an established organization which concerns itself with sex trafficking that you can get in contact with, if you so desire.
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Cost of Discipleship - Chapter 14

The Hidden Righteousness
The better righteousness of the disciples must have a motive which lies beyond itself. Of course it has to be visible, but they must take care that it does not become visible simply for the sake of becoming visible. There are of course proper grounds for insisting on the visible nature of Christian discipleship, but the visibility is never an end in itself, and if it becomes so we have lost sight of our primary aim, which is to follow Jesus.
The genuine work of love is always a hidden work. Take heed therefore that you know it not, for only so is it the goodness of God. If we want to know our own goodness or even of our love for our enemies. This voluntary blindness in the Christian (which is really sight illuminated by Christ) is his certainty, and the fact that his life is hidden from his sight is the ground of assurance.
How difficult is it for us to do some sort of good deed and to purposefully go unnoticed for it?It's as if the fact that the good deed was done is attention enough. I find this aspect of Christ's teaching truly fascinating. The concept of "it's not about me" is a hard one for me to swallow, however shifting my focus to "it's all about you" is something that seems illogical, yet awesome in the same breath.
This book is seriously amazing, I am learning something new everyday. You should probably buy it, read it and love it!
The Cost of Discipleship
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